Today I was reading through "Making Java Groovy", MEAP authored by Ken Kousen. I saw an example using the googles charting api. A quick check revealed they had experimental support for creating a png from a dot graph !
So my gradle task ended up looking as follows:
reportsDir = new File("build/reports")
compileDepsPng = file("$reportsDir/compileDeps.png")
task dependenciesPng() {
inputs.files subprojects.configurations.compile
outputs.files compileDepsPng
doFirst {
if(compileDepsPng.exists()) compileDepsPng.delete()
if(!reportsDir.exists()) reportsDir.mkdirs()
doLast {
dotGraph = "digraph Compile{"
subprojects.each {subproject ->
subproject.configurations.compile.dependencies.each {dependency ->
if(dependency instanceof ProjectDependency) {
dotGraph += "\"$\" -> \"$\""
} }
dotGraph += "}"
def chartParams = [cht: 'gv', chof: 'png', chl: dotGraph]
def url = ""
url += chartParams.collect {k,v -> "$k=${URLEncoder.encode(v)}"}.join('&')
compileDepsPng.withOutputStream{out ->
out << new URL(url).openStream()
Could you make a sample gradle project i can fork on github?
SvarSlettGood article, but a bit out of date, I think. What I did was, put this in the build.gradle of the project of interest:
SvarSletttask dependenciesPng() {
def reportsDir = new File("build/reports")
def compileDepsDot = file("$reportsDir/")
inputs.files subprojects.configurations.compile
outputs.files compileDepsDot
doFirst {
if(!reportsDir.exists()) reportsDir.mkdirs()
doLast {
dotGraph = "digraph compile{" + System.getProperty("line.separator")
Set deps = [] as Set
subprojects.each {subproject ->
subproject.configurations.compile.dependencies.each {dependency ->
if(dependency instanceof ProjectDependency) {
String dep = "\"$\" -> \"$\";"
if (deps.add(dep)){ // if was not there before - avoid duplicates
dotGraph += dep + System.getProperty("line.separator")
dotGraph += "}"
Then ran in the directory where that build.gradle is
gradle dependenciesPng
That produced build/reports/
In this build/reports/ I ran
apt-get install graphviz
dot -Tpng ./ -o ./compileDeps_dot.png &&
neato -Tpng ./ -o ./compileDeps_neato.png &&
twopi -Tpng ./ -o ./compileDeps_twopi.png &&
circo -Tpng ./ -o ./compileDeps_circo.png
And you will have to choose from the best image you like. Circo as the best for me.
Thanks, this was very useful! Do you maybe have an updated version that works without's GraphViz API? It's going to be discontinued in 2015.