I've been meaning to get into Clojure for quite some time now. I have been reading books, played with 4clojure and even went to a Clojure workshop with Stuart Sierra. But I never really found time and inspiration to percolate a hobby project to try it out in anger… Until my company (Kodemaker) decided to start a project to rewrite our website in RYO style using Clojure. I asked if I could have a go at one of the features (a really tiny one).
The last time I decided to properly learn a language I tried to learn Emacs at the same time. That didn't end all that well, or rather somewhere along the road I lost sight of Emacs. I'm a IntelliJ user in my day job so I've tried both LaClojure and Cursive a little bit. A couple of my colleagues have mentioned Light Table in the past and after watching some presentations and tutorials I was intrigued. When Light Table went open source I was determined to give it a good go.
The first steps
I already had Leiningen installed (and its just a "brew install leiningen" away on my mac anyway). So installing Light Table was a breeze and when I started it and I tried a few commands, it quickly became apparent that I was quite a few keyboard shortcuts short. There are plugins for Emacs and Vim shortcuts, but I figured I'd assign my own. That freedom proved daunting as well, and I'm pretty sure my setup will change a lot before it stabilizes.
ctrl + space and type "user key" and select User keymap
{:+ {:app {
"ctrl-shift-t" []
"ctrl-shift-left" [:tabs.prev]
;; etc
:editor {"alt-w" []
"alt-shift-w" []
"ctrl-k" [:editor.kill-line]
;; etc
The first map :app defines shortcuts that available across editors. Ie if you have focus in an inline browser window, these shortcuts will still work. The :editor map are shortcuts that requires an editor to have focus. It's really nice that there is code completion (and instant docs) for all available actions and saved changes are immediately applied. And yes you could do fancy stuff by doing multiple actions for one shortcut, its a clojure vector !
I have created a github project for my current settings to keep things in synch across machines.
The paredit shortcuts are worth a special mention. You'll quickly discover that keeping those pesky parenthesizes in order can prove to be a challenge. Light Table comes bundled with a plugin that provides some support to make your life easier. You might need to update the plugin through the plugin manager (ctrl + space in case you were wondering how to find it).
I assume that from now on that either you have a shortcut or use ctrl+space to find the appropriate actions…
Get my project up and running
Summarized it goes like this:
- Open folder and select project folder for your clojure project
- "Connect: Add connection"
- Select clojure and then your leiningen project.clj file
- Open a clj file (mac-hint: cmd+o). And evaluate it (mac-hint: cmd+shift+enter). Behold the inline results !
- Assuming you have a ring app, you might want to start your web server and be able to change things on the fly:
- Create a repl file (see sample below)
- Open an clojure instarepl
- enter: (use '<the_name_space:for_the_repl_file>)
- enter: (start-server)
- voila, you can now kill/clear the instarepl if you like
- Add a browser tab (if you have the space why not assign it to a separate tabset so you can have code and browser side by side !)
- Start hacking your clojure and evaluate statement (mac-hint: cmd+enter) or evaluate the whole clojure file. Refresh your browser to see the changes (mac-hint: cmd+r)
It is really neat once you get into it. Not quite like my old WebSphere days. If you aren't sure what a function actually returns ? Just fire up an instarepl and try it out ! Can't remember exactly how that clojure function works… instarepl. Curious about the documentation for a clojure function try out : "Docs: Toggle documentation at cursor".
Don't have a (web) project ? Try opening a terminal and type "lein new compojure-app sample".
Sample repl file
(ns repl
(:require [mycompany-com.web :refer [app]]
(defn start-server []
(defonce server (ring.adapter.jetty/run-jetty #'app {:port 3000 :join? false}))
(.start server))
(defn stop-server []
(.stop server))
Light Table comes bundled with a few plugins, but there are already quite a few others out there that are definitely worth a look. I've already installed Claire which is a emacs inspired file browser/finder. There are ruby, python and haskell plugins out there and probably many more coming.
It really didn't take that long to get up and running with Light Table. Fumbled around a bit before I grasped how to get live code reloading in my running web app from the IDE. The instarepl is really nice for a Clojure noob, and the inline watches (results) are neat as well. Learning Clojure will obviously depend on much more than the editor, but cool tools that help you along the way can't be wrong.
Light Table is supposed to be super extensible, so I'm planning to delve into that. I've already started playing around with a Groovy plugin for Light Table and it's great fun. But anyways that belongs to another blog post.
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